
Graphic Designer

Founder of Frenify. Professional UI/UX designer and web developer based on London. Sometimes works as a freelancer.

I’m Caren MilIson. Art Lover and maker

Hello. I am a freelancer & a coffee lover. I live in London, United Kingdom. I am passionated about minimalistic and flat design. I have over 10 years experience in leading teams and shipping complex digital products.

Vestibulum at pulvinar nisi, non commodo erat. Aliquam lobortis posuere magna sed tincidunt. Sed neque dignissim rutrum. Nullam efficitur ornare tellus eget condimentum.

Quality Services

  • 01 Strategy & Direction

    Strategic direction refers to the plans that need to be implemented for an organisation to progress towards its vision and fulfil its goals

    Strategy & Direction

    Creating a solid strategy that outlines your company's direction can help you increase its efficiency, lower stress and help improve its profitability. Knowing the various types of strategic direction can help you create a more comprehensive strategic direction overall. In this article, we define strategic direction, list the types of strategic direction and provide you with the steps for setting a strategic direction.

    Strategic direction refers to the foundational ideas or actions that allow for greater consistency in strategy over time. It ultimately helps a company achieve its vision and helps it fulfill the goals of its organizational strategy. It also helps unite a company's strategies and provides for greater stability into the future. When an organization has a strategic direction, it helps determine the company's objectives and how it plans to accomplish them, it helps determine the required resources and it helps identify how an organization needs to operate in order to find success.

    As a strategic direction, your companies values help it move toward the achievement of its goals. If you own a technology company, for example, you may create a sustainability principle that states you plan to procure energy from a sustainable source and use it as efficiently as you can. Essentially, you can use your vision to provide direction for your company's actions.

  • 02 Branding & Logo

    A logo can therefore be considered as one of the main graphic elements that allow people to quickly identify an organization, its products, and services.

    Branding & Logo

    Although a logo is only one of the elements of branding, it will most likely appear on the majority of touchpoints with customers and other stakeholders, such as the website, brochures, stationery, product, packaging, ads, uniforms, stores, and so on.

    A logo can therefore be considered as one of the main graphic elements that allow people to quickly identify an organization, its products, and services. And quite often, it will be the first thing people will use to identify you.

    To conclude, a logo by itself is a graphic element that represents the brand, while a brand is a combination of all tangible and intangible aspects that represent the organization. Without the brand, the logo wouldn’t have a real meaning, it would be simply a graphical element.

    When combined, a well-designed logo and an effective branding strategy help organizations reach their audiences in an effective way, but also create a resilient, industry-leading brand. If you are an entrepreneur and looking into building a new brand, don’t underestimate the importance of a well-designed logo, aligned to your overall branding strategy. It will be a rewarding investment for your brand and organization in the long term.

  • 03 Motion & Animation

    No matter whether you choose motion graphics or other styles of animation, videos in general yield better engagement, traffic and conversions.

    Motion & Animation

    Motion graphics can illustrate complex ideas visually. Think of motion graphics like a visual aid. Some ideas (especially big, abstract ones) are hard to explain with words or still images. A few seconds of motion graphics can clear everything up perfectly. Just think about how password fields sometimes vibrate or turn red when you enter a wrong password, instantly signalling that you need to try again.

    The visual style of motion graphics appeals to a wide range of viewers. Cartoons may come across as too childish for a formal business. But motion graphics can use that cute and fun style and apply it to more mature topics. No matter what industry you’re in, the motion graphics look can make your message more engaging and entertaining.

    Motion graphics are best for outlining or emphasizing facts and illustrating a point you’re trying to make. Motion graphics are used when there’s no need for narrative or storytelling.

    Motion graphic videos can break down your complex services or products and present them in a memorable way. Remember, motion graphics are at their core visual aids, so they excel at teaching hard-to-understand ideas through visuals.

    When we’re talking about motion graphics and other types of animation, remember: there is a lot of overlap between these and sometimes it can be hard to tell them apart.

  • 04 Web Development

    It’s the work that happens behind the scenes to make a website look great, work fast and perform well with a seamless user experience

    Web Development

    Web development skills are in high demand worldwide and well paid too – making development a great career option. It is one of the easiest accessible higher paid fields as you do not need a traditional university degree to become qualified.

    The field of web development is generally broken down into front-end (the user-facing side) and back-end (the server side). Let’s delve into the details.

    What you see and what you use, such as the visual aspect of the website, the drop down menus and the text, are all brought together by the front-end dev, who writes a series of programmes to bind and structure the elements, make them look good and add interactivity. These programmes are run through a browser.

    The backend developer engineers what is going on behind the scenes. This is where the data is stored, and without this data, there would be no frontend. The backend of the web consists of the server that hosts the website, an application for running it and a database to contain the data.

    The backend dev uses computer programmes to ensure that the server, the application and the database run smoothly together. This type of dev need to analyse what a company’s needs are and provide efficient programming solutions. To do all this amazing stuff they use a variety of server-side languages, like PHP, Ruby, Python and Java.

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    Why You’ll Never Succeed at 7 Habits.

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean vel porta mi. Vivamus lacinia quam non lorem posuere commodo. Donec in dolor urna. Donec nec massa nisl. Nulla iaculis dapibus scelerisque. Donec fermentum dolor justo, a convallis nulla ornare in. Ut mollis mauris condimentum pharetra mollis.

    Aliquam molestie blandit libero. Fusce eleifend placerat mauris eget blandit. Cras at faucibus ligula. Cras a urna a est ornare facilisis. Maecenas a mattis justo. Etiam aliquam, nulla non imperdiet facilisis, urna ante volutpat sapien, eu consequat purus ante nec justo. Suspendisse vel consequat sem. Nam sit amet ex sit amet metus pretium faucibus. Cras non tellus consectetur, ultricies ipsum ut, pretium ipsum. Mauris non elit vitae metus pharetra finibus quis et est. Nunc vehicula in lectus id efficitur.

    Aenean nec leo vel urna auctor fermentum ut ut sapien. Phasellus vehicula maximus orci, a viverra arcu porttitor at. Donec est enim, aliquam quis vulputate gravida, cursus a odio. Ut vitae placerat eros. Aliquam a libero enim. Nunc lacus mauris, imperdiet semper porttitor ut, varius vel mauris. Nulla quis efficitur sem. Duis quis lorem fringilla quam posuere maximus. Nam facilisis ex id justo pharetra posuere. Duis velit tortor, vestibulum non velit ut, dictum consectetur ante. Vestibulum posuere, nunc at finibus pellentesque, eros sem viverra magna, nec feugiat arcu nisi in lectus.

    Duis volutpat pharetra eros eu ornare. Vestibulum sit amet faucibus enim. Aliquam nec lobortis metus, eget tempor ex. Aenean vestibulum molestie dolor, ut condimentum est consequat ac. In venenatis odio interdum ante elementum, in interdum neque pharetra. Praesent volutpat libero tincidunt, fermentum erat eget, finibus orci. Integer augue ante, posuere sit amet risus condimentum, maximus lacinia purus. Cras diam nunc, tempor et arcu placerat, convallis ornare libero. Cras id porta libero.

    Maecenas ut elementum justo, vel feugiat lorem. Pellentesque suscipit est id dui laoreet tempor. Duis orci ex, consectetur et leo vel, egestas maximus ligula. Nunc et tincidunt ligula, quis tristique lorem. Nam ex velit, ullamcorper quis sagittis ac, ornare sit amet mauris. Sed luctus diam vitae placerat elementum. Fusce sed lectus neque. Maecenas sit amet commodo neque.

  • Blog Info

    Why You’ll Never Succeed at 7 Habits.

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean vel porta mi. Vivamus lacinia quam non lorem posuere commodo. Donec in dolor urna. Donec nec massa nisl. Nulla iaculis dapibus scelerisque. Donec fermentum dolor justo, a convallis nulla ornare in. Ut mollis mauris condimentum pharetra mollis.

    Aliquam molestie blandit libero. Fusce eleifend placerat mauris eget blandit. Cras at faucibus ligula. Cras a urna a est ornare facilisis. Maecenas a mattis justo. Etiam aliquam, nulla non imperdiet facilisis, urna ante volutpat sapien, eu consequat purus ante nec justo. Suspendisse vel consequat sem. Nam sit amet ex sit amet metus pretium faucibus. Cras non tellus consectetur, ultricies ipsum ut, pretium ipsum. Mauris non elit vitae metus pharetra finibus quis et est. Nunc vehicula in lectus id efficitur.

    Aenean nec leo vel urna auctor fermentum ut ut sapien. Phasellus vehicula maximus orci, a viverra arcu porttitor at. Donec est enim, aliquam quis vulputate gravida, cursus a odio. Ut vitae placerat eros. Aliquam a libero enim. Nunc lacus mauris, imperdiet semper porttitor ut, varius vel mauris. Nulla quis efficitur sem. Duis quis lorem fringilla quam posuere maximus. Nam facilisis ex id justo pharetra posuere. Duis velit tortor, vestibulum non velit ut, dictum consectetur ante. Vestibulum posuere, nunc at finibus pellentesque, eros sem viverra magna, nec feugiat arcu nisi in lectus.

    Duis volutpat pharetra eros eu ornare. Vestibulum sit amet faucibus enim. Aliquam nec lobortis metus, eget tempor ex. Aenean vestibulum molestie dolor, ut condimentum est consequat ac. In venenatis odio interdum ante elementum, in interdum neque pharetra. Praesent volutpat libero tincidunt, fermentum erat eget, finibus orci. Integer augue ante, posuere sit amet risus condimentum, maximus lacinia purus. Cras diam nunc, tempor et arcu placerat, convallis ornare libero. Cras id porta libero.

    Maecenas ut elementum justo, vel feugiat lorem. Pellentesque suscipit est id dui laoreet tempor. Duis orci ex, consectetur et leo vel, egestas maximus ligula. Nunc et tincidunt ligula, quis tristique lorem. Nam ex velit, ullamcorper quis sagittis ac, ornare sit amet mauris. Sed luctus diam vitae placerat elementum. Fusce sed lectus neque. Maecenas sit amet commodo neque.

  • Blog Info

    Why You’ll Never Succeed at 7 Habits.

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean vel porta mi. Vivamus lacinia quam non lorem posuere commodo. Donec in dolor urna. Donec nec massa nisl. Nulla iaculis dapibus scelerisque. Donec fermentum dolor justo, a convallis nulla ornare in. Ut mollis mauris condimentum pharetra mollis.

    Aliquam molestie blandit libero. Fusce eleifend placerat mauris eget blandit. Cras at faucibus ligula. Cras a urna a est ornare facilisis. Maecenas a mattis justo. Etiam aliquam, nulla non imperdiet facilisis, urna ante volutpat sapien, eu consequat purus ante nec justo. Suspendisse vel consequat sem. Nam sit amet ex sit amet metus pretium faucibus. Cras non tellus consectetur, ultricies ipsum ut, pretium ipsum. Mauris non elit vitae metus pharetra finibus quis et est. Nunc vehicula in lectus id efficitur.

    Aenean nec leo vel urna auctor fermentum ut ut sapien. Phasellus vehicula maximus orci, a viverra arcu porttitor at. Donec est enim, aliquam quis vulputate gravida, cursus a odio. Ut vitae placerat eros. Aliquam a libero enim. Nunc lacus mauris, imperdiet semper porttitor ut, varius vel mauris. Nulla quis efficitur sem. Duis quis lorem fringilla quam posuere maximus. Nam facilisis ex id justo pharetra posuere. Duis velit tortor, vestibulum non velit ut, dictum consectetur ante. Vestibulum posuere, nunc at finibus pellentesque, eros sem viverra magna, nec feugiat arcu nisi in lectus.

    Duis volutpat pharetra eros eu ornare. Vestibulum sit amet faucibus enim. Aliquam nec lobortis metus, eget tempor ex. Aenean vestibulum molestie dolor, ut condimentum est consequat ac. In venenatis odio interdum ante elementum, in interdum neque pharetra. Praesent volutpat libero tincidunt, fermentum erat eget, finibus orci. Integer augue ante, posuere sit amet risus condimentum, maximus lacinia purus. Cras diam nunc, tempor et arcu placerat, convallis ornare libero. Cras id porta libero.

    Maecenas ut elementum justo, vel feugiat lorem. Pellentesque suscipit est id dui laoreet tempor. Duis orci ex, consectetur et leo vel, egestas maximus ligula. Nunc et tincidunt ligula, quis tristique lorem. Nam ex velit, ullamcorper quis sagittis ac, ornare sit amet mauris. Sed luctus diam vitae placerat elementum. Fusce sed lectus neque. Maecenas sit amet commodo neque.

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